I’m a Soul Interventionist for BUSINESSWOMEN IN MIDLIFE who know their lives are meant to mean more than the demanding deadlines and the never-ending “to-do” lists weighing them down. Soul Recovery is about re-connecting with who you are at your core and getting your “Mojo” back. Cheers! Here’s to a more purposeful, more fun and more Soul-Full Life!

Inspiration. Encouragement. Fun.

Welcome! I’m Elle Ericson.

Soul Intervention and Recovery Partner &
Master Trainer of The Clarity Catalyst


  • Have you recently found it easier to call out sick from the employee parking lot than to drag yourself into work?

  • Has the expression, “Work hard, Play hard” made you feel enthusiastic in the past, but now just feels like “mandatory fun?” The thought of the monotonous “chit-chat” with Harry from IT fills you with complete dread and may just put you over the edge.

  • Have you counted how much money you have in your 401K to quit your job minus the penalties?

  • Are you surrounded by people half your age who you THOUGHT you could mentor, but are talking down to you AND you could have sworn you heard the word “Grandma” come out of their mouth?

  • Has the spiritual meaning of “mindfulness” changed from relishing in the beauty of sunsets to refraining from going “ape-shit” on your kids or partner?

If you can relate, then Stop! You’re in need of a Soul Intervention!

No one said life would be easy. As women we tend to take on A LOT. Our busy schedules, trying to manage it all, our soul-sucking jobs, constantly doing for others, not following your purpose..All these things combined can wear us down and turn us into a shell of ourselves. Where is that vibrant person you once knew? All the while you feel life’s clock ticking. You’re painfully reminded that we’re not here on this earth forever. You fear exiting this earth with too many regrets. I know first hand what it’s like to feel you’re in the movie scene of someone else’s life. Not having the courage to be true to myself whether it was in relationships or in my career. As a result… let’s just say… my life didn’t go as planned. 🙂

Faced with some difficult struggles and hardships (that’s what happens when you’re not “in flow”) I realized just how precious life is. I FINALLY got still, gained clarity and came up with a plan that involved a lot of focused, determined action steps combined with some great spiritual practices. I pushed through and survived life’s hard knocks and knock-downs… finally thriving… doing what I love and what I’m meant to do. Living on purpose! I’m here to tell you… It’s NOT too late for you to start living a more meaningful, fun and soul-full life! Are you in? Cause if not now… WHEN??

The Elle Ericson Podcast!
The Clarity Catalyst
Soul Recovery with Elle
The Elle Ericson Podcast!
The Clarity Catalyst
Soul Recovery with Elle