About Elle


I get it… Life’s kicked your butt a bit… or maybe a lot… or maybe you feel a little lost. What happened to that vibrant person you once knew? Are you putting everyone else before you, and forgot to put yourself on the list? Are you stuck? – What IS that next move that will make your heart sing?…Or defeated?… Is that job you’re in not allowing you to shine? Is that dead-end relationship stealing your joy, but you’re too afraid to be alone? Or are you simply on the routine “hamster wheel of life” asking yourself… “Is this all there is??

Well…I’m here to tell you, “IT’S TIME TO WAKE UP!”

Look…no one said life would be easy, but it’s OUR job to find THE EEE in life — the Ease, Enjoyment and Energy that we ALL deserve, and the reason I believe we’re here on this earth. To put that lab coat on, and put YOUR LIFE under the microscope…to become objective observers of what’s working, what’s not working and cultivate the courage to walk through the door to your authentic life.

How do I know?? This fun-loving, music-enthusiast, “performer” child who acted, danced and wrote comedy into her adulthood…the creative and “wannabe entrepreneur”…”sold her soul” and followed the “soul-sucking” Corporate Sales/Account Mgt Route. Doesn’t that seem logical? That’s what you do when your older siblings follow in that path, right? (insert buzzer — wrong answer!)…After leaving one corporate job after another in search of more money and better titles, climbing the corporate ladder, making the six figures (golden handcuffs and stress-induced illness included)… I found myself on repeat with the same bad bosses, toxic environments and unfulfilling, soul-sucking (there goes that phrase again) jobs that left me miserable. Was it me or the jobs? Well…maybe a little bit of both (we’ll re-visit that at a later time ☺ ) But I kept getting “tapped” on the shoulder by my “inner child” to pursue my creative passions and dabbled in it instead as an after work “outlet” to add some life to the monotony of the “CUBE.” When I did try to make the leap a couple of times and follow my dreams, I got sucked back in. I hadn’t put all the components in place and I pulled the trigger too soon. I needed the paycheck…

After experiencing all the “he’s not really right for me/but it’s comfortable” relationships, and some stress-related health issues that slowed me down…It wasn’t until a knock-down… the sudden loss of a beloved boyfriend…that almost knocked me out and down for the count. But, I had a choice…I could either punch out, or see this as my wakeup call…to get focused, put ALL the components in place, get busy and pursue my dreams…FINALLY…once and for all!…with no other direction than “GO!”…and… that’s EXACTLY what I did. I climbed down the Corporate Ladder and into the work I’m meant to do…A heart-based business where I get to help others unleash their authentic lives.

Follow the whisper…It’s your inner guide speaking to you. It’s seldom wrong. Don’t wait for the tap, the thump or the knock-down. Life’s too short. Life’s too precious.

So whether it’s simply to make some shifts to experience more joy in your life, to finally play “full-out,” and live life on your terms or to get focused on that grandiose life mission — I’m here to be your supportive Soul Recovery Partner!

This is not a dress rehearsal, baby. So, let’s do this! Let’s Set Your Soul on Fire! P.S. Fun included (cause, that’s just how I roll. ☺).

Inspiration. Encouragement. Fun.