Are You Feeling “Stuck”?

Like a “Shell” of Your Former Self?

Like Your Life is on “Autopilot”?


Do you sometimes feel you’re living in the “movie scene” of someone else’s life?

(I once did).


Has the noise and chaos of today’s crazy times taking a toll on your Soul?


Is that demanding career with the never-ending deadlines leaving you feeling drained and like a “shell of yourself?”


Do you miss your once vibrant, “fun-loving” self?


Do you know you want more out of life, but are feeling “stuck” and could use guidance and a “push” in the right direction?

If you’re ready to make some real strides in your life to become the best version of yourself, you’ve come to the right place. I know firsthand that change isn’t always easy. But, if you don’t step out of your comfort zone you’ll never discover all that life has to offer you! This is where I come in. Been there, done that! I’ve had jobs/relationships that have (quite frankly) sucked the life out of me. Being on the continual “hamster wheel of life,” nothing changed…until I got real. When the tragic passing of a beloved boyfriend brought me to my knees, it also catapulted me forward into everything I wanted to do/accomplish in my life- but never made a dent in. I knew it was now or never…

Forced to take a real introspective look at my life, I thought…”No more! Time for massive change!” With the help of spiritual tools and techniques I learned from “The Clarity Catalyst Course” (a course I now teach), coupled with focused action…I was finally able to play “full out” and put myself on the path to a brand new life. Now…it’s your turn. When you get the whisper…don’t wait for the tap, the thump or the “knock-down.” Listen to your “inner guide” speaking to you. It’s seldom wrong.

As your Soul Recovery Partner…I’ll be your cheerleader and confidant. You deserve a “safe-haven” for someone to listen to you whole-heartedly, to validate the way you feel and to help you come up with a customized action plan based on your core values. Having me as your Accountability Partner- a “like-minded,” compassionate Coach who believes in your spiritual transformation with the wisdom and “know-how” of what it takes to “get to the other side.”…I can provide you with invaluable encouragement, guidance and support. During our sessions, we’ll clear the space to go deep. We’ll explore what’s missing from your life, why you’re “stuck” and what “lights you up.”…Self-discovery that will put you on the road to self-empowerment…Cause who doesn’t want to feel more alive more “lit up?”

So are you ready for a Soul Intervention?

This is not a dress rehearsal.

Let’s Do This!

Cause if not now… When??

Elle Ericson

Meet Your Soul Recovery Partner: Elle Ericson

Master Trainer of The Clarity Catalyst

I know first hand what it’s like to feel like you’re in the “movie scene” of someone else’s life. Not having the courage to be true to myself whether it was in relationships or in my career. As a result….let’s just say….my life didn’t go as planned. Faced with some difficult struggles and hardships (that’s what happens when you’re not “in flow”)….I realized just how precious life is. I FINALLY got still, gained clarity and came up with a plan that involved a lot of focused, determined action steps combined with some great spiritual practices. I survived life’s “hard knocks” and “knock-downs”…finally thriving…doing what I love and what I’m meant to do. I’m here to tell you…It’s NOT too late for you to start living a more joyful and soulful life! Are you in?? Cause if not now… WHEN??

Soul Recovery Packages:

  • One Month – $800 (Full Payment due prior to initial Session).
  • Two Month Package: $1400 (Full Payment due prior to initial Session).
  • Three Month Package: $2,000 (Full Payment due prior to initial Session).

What’s Included?

  • One weekly 45 minute Coaching Session
  • Email support for the duration of your Coaching
  • Fun (cause if we’re not having fun in the process, then what’s the point?)

Book a 20 minute complimentary
Soul Discovery Session